Maverick and Comet Forum Archives - Maverick Comet Group News/Discussion

#1 cometlady73 Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
OK, here's an addition to the MCG itinerary.Thursday morning, time TBA,
place:The Hahns Wood Products shop in downtown Somerset.

A "How To" has been put together for us to learn and for our enjoyment,
also will benefit the club. An 8" mav/com rearend has been donated with an explorer rear disc brake setup. Frank Cooper will demonstrate "how to"
add explorer disc brake set up to the 8" rear. Should be very informative and humorous knowing Frank. Afterwards the rear end will be raffled off with all proceeds going to the club

Tickets will be $5.00 each or 10 for $40.00; we need to sell at least 50 tickets.

We hope you will all join us , this is our first attempt at a "How To" / MCG club fund raiser.
A special thanks goes out to the Hahn's for donating shop space for this work and to Frank Cooper for instructing.

See you all there!! Ruth :thumbsup:
Message created at 03/13/12 08:36 PM
#2 jmgford Re:Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
Wow Ruth,

That sounds like a great idea!
Message created at 03/13/12 08:53 PM
#3 Fro Re:Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
Sounds fun, We get to watch Frank mess with someones rearend.:eek::rollinglaugh:
Message created at 03/14/12 08:22 PM
#4 jmgford Re:Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
Originally posted by Fro
Sounds fun, We get to watch Frank mess with someones rearend.:eek::rollinglaugh:

:eek: I guess I better leave the kids at the hotel!
Message created at 03/15/12 04:58 PM
#5 Wilbur Green Re:Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
Sounds like fun.
Message created at 03/15/12 07:05 PM
#6 Grabber5.0 Re:Addition to 2012 MCG Itinerary  
Would love to take that baby home. Thanks guys.
Message created at 04/29/12 10:22 PM